How to make a lamp with recycle items....?
Who am I - I'm a recycle man
What is it - A lamp
What for - Make a lamp by using recycle items
1st task - "brainstorm"sketch a lamp u wan to and what items
2nd task - Collect anything needed
3rd task - Experiment on it
Outcome - A recycle lamp with recycle item
Showcase - Gallery
How to draw an anime....?
Who am I - I'm a Designer
What is it - Is is a Anime Character
What for - An exhibition
1st task - Get references
2nd task - Accessorize of character
3rd task - Work on characters and moods
Outcome - anime wallpaper
Showcase - Gallery
How to play piano....?
What is it - Is is a Piano
What for - A piano show
1st task - Taking a lessons
2nd task - Read about a piano book
3rd task - Practice in the dark
Outcome - Full song of "My Heart Will Go On"
Showcase - Gallery
How to play basketball....?
Who am I - I'm a basketball player
What is it - Is is a basketball
What for - A Basketball Competition
1st task - Rules and Regulations
2nd task - Positions and Structures
3rd task - Techiques and Practices
Outcome - Professional basketball player
Showcase - Basketball Court